Online Registration NAME OF STUDENT: NAME OF PARENT: MAILING ADDRESS: E-MAIL ADDRESS: PHONE NUMBER: NAME OF SCHOOL: Bearden High SchoolChristian Academy of KnoxvilleClinton High SchoolFarragut High SchoolHardin ValleyHomeschooledKarns High SchoolKnoxville CatholicMaryville High SchoolPowell High SchoolWebb School of KnoxvilleWest High SchoolOther include comments REGISTER FOR... ACT - Group ClassesSAT and ACT - Individual TutoringSAT Only - Individual TutoringACT Only - Individual TutoringPSAT and SAT - Group ClassesPSAT and SAT - Individual TutoringGRE - Individual TutoringGMAT - Individual TutoringLSAT - Individual TutoringOther include comments GRADE IN SCHOOL: SeniorJuniorSophomoreOther include comments COMMENTS: PLEASE BE AS SPECIFIC AS POSSIBLE. IF REGISTERING FOR A SMALL GROUP CLASS, PLEASE INDICATE PREFERRED CLASS TIME.